Showreel: What we do.

Training Times

Wednesday------6:00 – 8:00pm----- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Friday- 6:00 - 8:00pm --- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Saturday- 1:00 - 3:00pm - Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

**This Friday 5th we are in a squash court and Saturday 6th we are in the Small Hall due to the Open Day**

7 Jul 2009

European University Sports Championships!!!

Hello Everyone. So, due to his success in BUCS, our Male Team Captin, Mohammad, was invited to participate in the European University Sports Championship. There is exactly 9 days left (16.7.2009 - 19.7.2009) before Mohammad goes to Cordoba to represent and honour our University and our club throughout Europe. From here, on behalf of our Committee, I would like to wish him the best of luck and ask your support to him. We hope to have him return with another gold medal.

Here you can see the website for this organisation:

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