Showreel: What we do.

Training Times

Wednesday------6:00 – 8:00pm----- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Friday- 6:00 - 8:00pm --- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Saturday- 1:00 - 3:00pm - Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

**This Friday 5th we are in a squash court and Saturday 6th we are in the Small Hall due to the Open Day**

18 Sept 2009

Karate Club's Schedule for the Firts Two Weeks

Here are some dates to look forward to:

  • Wednesday, 23/September/2009 -- 1:00 - 2:00pm -- Sports Taster Day in the Main Sports Hall in the Sports Centre
  • Friday, 25/September/2009 -- 12:00 - 5:00pm -- Freshers Fayre, Sports Fair
  • Friday, 25/September/2009 -- 9:00 - 9:15pm & 11:40 - 11:55pm -- Clubs and Societies Showcase in Darwin Origins Bar
  • Wednesday, 30/September/2009 -- 6:00 - 8:00pm -- the First Training Session in the Main Sports Hall in the Sports Centre
  • Friday, 2/October/2009 -- 6:00 - 7:00pm -- Main Sports Hall -- 7:00 - 8:00pm -- Dance Studio, the Second Training Session
  • Saturday, 3/October/2009 -- 10:00am - 12:00pm -- the first Kobudo (weaponry) class in the Main Sports Hall in the Sports Centre
  • Saturday, 3/October/2oo9 -- 7:oopm - 1:00am -- Club's first social, Karate Belt Crawl, meeting in front of the Venue
You can come to the first two weeks of the trainings free of charge.

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