Showreel: What we do.

Training Times

Wednesday------6:00 – 8:00pm----- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Friday- 6:00 - 8:00pm --- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Saturday- 1:00 - 3:00pm - Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

**This Friday 5th we are in a squash court and Saturday 6th we are in the Small Hall due to the Open Day**

9 Jun 2011

M.A.A.S.I.F (Martial Arts All Styles International Federation) Success on Sunday

UKC Karate Club took part in the MAASIF Open Summer Competition on Sunday 5th June. The results were amazing:

Individual kata (hard hand forms) over 3 years experience:
1st Mohammad Reza
2nd Fatma Salahioglu
3rd Rose Curtis-Marof

Team kata:
1st Rose Curtis-Marof and her sister (from Rose's own club)
2nd Mohammad Reza, Fatma Salahioglu, Deniz Kayimbasioglu

Points fighting:
- 1 years training +80kg: 3rd Dominic Robeson

- 2 years training -80kg: 1st James Tolson

+2 years training -80kg: 1st Mohammad Reza, 3rd Mahdi Shamsi

+2 years training -90kg: 1st Mohammad Reza

+2 years training +90kg: 1st Mahdi Shamsi, 2nd Mohammad Reza


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