Showreel: What we do.

Training Times

Wednesday------6:00 – 8:00pm----- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Friday- 6:00 - 8:00pm --- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Saturday- 1:00 - 3:00pm - Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

**This Friday 5th we are in a squash court and Saturday 6th we are in the Small Hall due to the Open Day**

6 Oct 2008

1 week in

We're 1 week into term and we've seen a great initial reaction to karate club. The first few sessions of the year went fairly well, with wednesday being by far the most popular day, we hope to emulate the same kind of success this week, the second half of the trail period and hopefully by friday we'll have an array of enthusiastic and comitted members.

Information on how and where to sign up as well as some more photos coming towards the end of the week.

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