Showreel: What we do.

Training Times

Wednesday------6:00 – 8:00pm----- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Friday- 6:00 - 8:00pm --- Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

Saturday- 1:00 - 3:00pm - Main Sports Hall, Sports Centre

**This Friday 5th we are in a squash court and Saturday 6th we are in the Small Hall due to the Open Day**

30 Oct 2008

Ninja Social.

The social, held on tuesday night i'm pleased to say was somewhat more successfull than i'd anticipated, suffice to say we had at least half our membership turn up, and half of those dressed as ninjas.

Deniz has promised another social in 2 weeks which should allow us to be dressed in a slightly more traditional manner.

Pictures from tuesday will be here as soon as we get the right USB cable for the camera.
Keep posted.

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